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正如我们所知,英语冠词(a/an与the)是一种虚词,在句中它不能独立存在,只是附着在名词上,以帮助说明该名词的语意。但在某些短语中,有时起着十分重要、甚至决定性的作用,有无它的存在其语义也截然不同。当然冠词的变化很多,也十分复杂,不是几条规则所能包括得了的。一切约定俗成,该成习惯。这里仅举英语习语中的几种情况,说明有无冠词其差异很大,应引起我们足够的重视。如:He is without question the greatest authority on this subject now living.其意很显然是,“他无疑是这一学科当代最大的权威”;而I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is out of the question.其意则是“我要做的工作太多,因此,今年休假是根 As we know, the English article (a/an and the) is an imaginary word in which it cannot exist independently but is attached to a noun to help explain the noun’s semantics. However, in some phrases, it sometimes plays a very important and even decisive role. The existence or absence of its semantics is totally different. Of course, there are many changes in the articles and they are also very complicated. They are not included in several rules. It is customary to have everything in common. Here are just a few examples of English idioms, indicating whether or not the articles are very different, and should be given enough attention by us. Such as: He is without question the greatest authority on this subject now living. The meaning of this is obviously, “He is undoubtedly the greatest authority in the discipline today”; and I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is Out of the question. It means "I have too much work to do, so this year’s vacation is the root
在秘书工作中,电话交往很多,委婉礼貌的谈吐显得十分重要,它可使你和日常联系工作的客户与单位建立更加密切融洽的关系。 1.接电话时,先以问候和自报单位开始:Goodmorning(
或许是由于受会武功的父亲的影响,我从小便有一股豪侠之气。骑车上街,我总喜欢靠近危险的一边。看到不公平的事,我也总有前去伸张正义的冲动。  但在小学五年级的时候,我的侠义精神受到一次重大打击。  那时候,我们学校门口每天都有三五个小流氓拦截小学生,搜取零花钱。由于我瘦小朴素,从未成为他们攻击的目标。可有一天,他们拦住了我的一位好朋友,而我那天正好和她同路。我毫不畏惧,一步步向那个逼近我们的大个子走去
英语中的重叠介词(double preposition)为数不多。它们通常由两个简单介词构成,常用来表达较复杂的地点或时间概念。 一、表示地点概念的重叠介词以介词from+另一介词居多数
1.It has been said that the English and the Americans are twogreat peoples separated by one language.~*The differences for whichlanguage gets blamed may not be
THE study of linguistics is a new area of study inthe twentieth century.Linguistics is the scien-tific study of language.Philosophers and linguists~2have studie
魔方自发明至今仅30年,却已成为史上最具吸引力的玩具。魔方的魔力和魔方本身一样难以琢磨。为什么人们要把生命浪费在这个晦涩、耗时而无用的东西上呢?对此,魔方发明者的态度是:生活本身就是解谜。 在20世纪80年代初,流行着一则关于魔方的传言。著名数学家约翰?康威的一个研究生在玩魔方时,不小心把胡子卷了进去,结果慢慢地整个人都被拽进了魔方。如果能把魔方还原到他被困住之前的状态,他就可以回来。于是康威让剑