As human life progressed to the cooked food stage, wood was used as fuel. The population of our country is large, with cooked food habits and the need of every household for fuelwood is quite considerable. In particular, there are 800 million peasants in our country, consuming 40% of the total energy consumption and consuming over 600 million tons of firewood annually. Therefore, developing fuelwood production and vigorously creating a fuelwood forest should deserve attention. However, from the aspect of national economic development, agriculture is the weakest link in the entire national economy. Forestry is the weak link in agriculture as a whole. The fuelwood forest is the weakest link in the weak link. As a result, there are many factors that cause the imbalanced proportions. As for the forestry itself, there is also a tendency of “focusing on materials, wealth and ignoring firewood.” Use of timber, economic forest, shelter is necessary, correct