70年的铭记BEARING 70 YEARS IN MIND1937年7月7日卢沟桥事变后,面对日本侵略者的肆虐,宁波地方党组织高举抗日民族统一战线的伟大旗帜,发动各界人民掀起了轰轰烈烈的抗日救亡运动。随后自1941年开始开展了长达4年之久的敌后抗日游击战争,创建了以四明山为中心的浙东抗日根据地,成为全国19个解放区之一。宁波解放后,空气里的血腥味终于散去,痛苦的啜泣声得以慢慢止息。时至今日,宁波经济稳步增长,人民生活稳定幸福。然而,先辈们浴血奋战的过往,日本侵略者烧杀淫掠的野蛮暴行,给宁波人民制造的无
After the Marco Polo Bridge incident on July 7, 1937, in face of the rampant Japanese invaders, the local party organizations in Ningbo held high the great banner of the anti-Japanese national united front and mobilized the people of all walks of life to launch a vigorous campaign against Japan and the nation. Since then, the anti-Japanese guerrilla war has lasted for four years since 1941, and the anti-Japanese base in east Zhejiang, centered around the Siming Mountain, has become one of the 19 liberated areas in the country. After the liberation of Ningbo, the bloody smell in the air finally dissipated, and the weeping sobs of pain slowly stopped. Today, Ningbo’s economy has grown steadily and people’s lives are stable and happy. However, in the past when the ancestors fought bloody battles, the savage atrocities committed by the Japanese invaders to burn and kill the prostitutes and to the people of Ningbo