一、邓小平理论是当代中国的马克思主义 (一)邓小平理论的历史地位来自实践 凡是真理,都是来自实践、又经受实践检验的正确认识。从十五大报告学习中我们深深体会到,邓小平理论来源于广大人民群众的实践,并在改革开放社会主义现代化建设的实践中受到了检验。与此同时,它又指导了这个实践,使改革不断深入,开放不断扩大,社会主义现代化建设不断发展。经过近三十年这种认识和实践的不断结合,反复进行,中国发生了深刻巨大的变化和进步,邓小平理论也便产生、形成和发展起来。 邓小平理论发端于以邓小平为首的中国共产党人对建国后二十年“左”倾错误思想造成严重后果的反思。建国后经过社会主义改造,建立
First, Deng Xiaoping Theory is Marxism in Contemporary China (A) The historical status of Deng Xiaoping Theory from practice All truth, are from practice, but also subjected to the correct understanding of the test of practice. From the report of the 15th National Congress, we deeply understand that Deng Xiaoping Theory came from the practice of the broad masses of the people and was tested in the practice of socialist modernization during the reform and opening up. At the same time, it has also guided this practice, deepening reform, expanding openness and constantly developing socialist modernization. After nearly 30 years of continuous integration and practice of this understanding and practice, China has undergone profound and profound changes and progress. Deng Xiaoping Theory has also been born, formed and developed. Deng Xiaoping Theory originated from the serious repercussions of the Chinese Communists headed by Deng Xiaoping on the serious consequences of “leftist” erroneous thinking in the 20 years after the founding of our nation. After the founding of the PRC through socialist transformation, establishment