板卡市场在2007年的这个春天显得尤为春意盎然、百花齐放:3月,七彩虹联手世界GPU和芯片组巨头厂商nVIDIA,首次推出NV原厂主板“Designed by nVIDIA”;4月,XFX品牌第一款主板登陆中国;富士康也同样在此时将其自有品牌显卡在中国市场正式发布;甚至曾经一度告别显卡市场的耕昇,也选择在这个春天复出了……在这些看似动荡的格局背后,究竟是什么力量在起作用?2007年板卡市场的发展趋势在何方?消费者又该如何在风云变幻的市场中挑选产品?
In the spring of 2007, the board market is particularly full of spring flowers. In March, Rainbow teamed up with the global GPU and chipset giant nVIDIA for the first time to launch NVIDIA’s original “Designed by nVIDIA” motherboard. In April, the first XFX brand Motherboard landed in China; Foxconn is also also at this time its own brand graphics officially released in the Chinese market; even once farewell to the graphics card market, but also choose to come back in the spring ... behind these seemingly volatile pattern, what exactly What is the power at work? 2007 card market where the trend of development? How consumers in the ever-changing market, select the product?