随着改革的进一步深化,市场经济的进一步发 展,我国的经济发展逐渐呈现出方式多元、互为补 充、和谐互动的局面。海口市作为我国最大经济特 区的省会城市,非公经济得到长足发展和进步,其 所有者和经营者逐渐形成了新的社会阶层,如民营 科技企业的创业人员、受聘于外资企业的管理技术 人员、个体户、私营企业主、中介组织的从业人 员等,他们顺应了社会主义初级阶段生产力发展的 需要,在建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中发挥了 重要作用,为改革开放和社会主义现代化建设作出 了重要贡献。
With the deepening of the reform and the further development of the market economy, the economic development of our country has gradually shown a pattern of pluralism, complementarity and harmonious interaction. As the capital city of China’s largest special economic zone, Haikou, as a non-public economy, has made great strides in its development and progress. Its owners and managers have gradually formed new social strata such as entrepreneurship in private science and technology enterprises, management technicians employed in foreign-funded enterprises , Self-employed individuals, private business owners and practitioners of intermediary organizations. They conformed to the requirement of the development of productive forces in the initial stage of socialism and played an important role in establishing the socialist market economic system. They have made the reform and opening up as well as the socialist modernization drive Important contribution.