Designation of Ray Detector Shielding Box for Radiation Imaging

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tigerbi
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The technology of radiation imaging plays an important role in the area of no-bug diagnosis. Theprinciple is that the absorbed dose amount is different when rays go through objects with differentmaterial or thickness. According to the through ray intensity, we can get the characteristic picture ofdiagnostic objects. For this subject, the ray is from a ~(60)Co point irradiation source. 256 detector cellsreceive ray that pass through diagnostic objects. Two dimensions picture is displayed after amplify and The technology of radiation imaging plays an important role in the area of ​​no-bug diagnosis. Theprinciple is that the the absorbed dose amount is different when rays go through objects with differentmaterial or thickness. According to the through ray intensity, we can get the characteristic picture ofdiagnostic objects. For this subject, the ray is from a ~ (60) Co point irradiation source. 256 detector cellsreceive ray that pass through diagnostic objects. Two dimensions picture is displayed after amplify and
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[摘 要] 高职高专教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,近些年来蓬勃发展,为我国的经济建设和社会发展输送了大批高质量人才。化学是高职高专教育教学中一门重要的基础学科,随着科技的发展,农业科学、生物科学等新兴科学逐渐兴起,农业、生物、食品中的化学研究项目逐渐受到越来越多人的重视,也催生了一大批与化学相关的科技类岗位。但是目前高职高专的化学教学还存在着一些问题,教学内容老化陈旧、不够系统、科研程度不高,
1 Operating time and released energy In 2003, the reactor operated safely for 4 786 h and the energy released was 1 390.85 MW·d,operating power level was 6500
1 《Journal of Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute》, Vol.11, 20031) Chaotic cryptography based on feistel structure, No. 1, p. 13. Zhao Geng (
1月 1月6日 总装备部李安东副部长来我院视察。陪同来院的还有总装备部科技委委员钱绍钧院士、总装备部综合计划部部长阮朝阳、军兵总部副部长丛日刚、电子信息部副部长