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策划人语与部分西方国家乐于将奥运政治化不同,中国公众显然抱有更为切实的想法——希望奥运会带给北京乃至中国的不止是17天的变化。其实,每个奥运问题背后都是中国所面临的各种挑战,奥运会只不过把这些集中呈现在17天而已。绿色奥运的背后,难道不是如何建设一个绿色中国的更艰巨的挑战吗?据专家预计,奥运会期问将产生1万吨以上的垃圾。垃圾处理是绿色奥运的重要一环,北京曾庄严承诺:“到2008年城市垃圾将全部进行安全处理,垃圾资源化率将达到30%,分类收集率将达到50%。奥运会垃圾全部分类收集、集中处理,回用率达50%”然而,这17天的垃圾总量,也不过与偌大一个北京城的垃圾日产量相当。而中国2006年城镇生活垃圾清运量为1.48亿吨,2/3的城市被垃圾环带包围。政府在解决垃圾问题上不可谓没有教训。在民众中开展环保教育、推广垃圾分类,结果人们却找不到分类垃圾箱,而运输车更是把所有垃圾一股脑装进车厢,原来整个城市的垃圾分类系统全靠外地拾荒者支撑。再者,城市规划未能充分考虑垃圾处理的环保需要,置环保部门的意见于不顾。循环经济说到底是一门技术活,不但要求科技实力,更要求精细管理。而中国一旦要解决“垃圾围城”的困境,首先被民众感受到的改变,仍然是收费增税。作为垃圾处理系统工程的一揽子计划与未来资金流向,民众仍未知情。随着中央政府对循环经济的倡导以及城市土地价格的攀升,与兴建传统的垃圾填埋场相比,地方政府更有动力建设垃圾发电厂。目前该行业在全国已呈遍地开花之势,相关的统一标准却付之阙如。希望北京绿色奥运关于垃圾处理承诺的践行,能够为中国更广大的地区提供良好的范例,无论在系统处理、标准制定还是与居民的平等协商谈判上。 Planning People’s Language And some western countries are happy to politicize the Olympic Games differently. The Chinese public obviously have a more realistic idea - hoping that the Olympic Games will bring more than 17 days of changes to Beijing and even China. In fact, behind every Olympic issue are all the challenges that China faces. The Olympics merely show these concentrations in just 17 days. Behind the Green Olympics, is not it a daunting challenge to building a green China? According to experts, it is estimated that more than 10,000 tons of rubbish will be generated during the Olympic Games. Garbage disposal is an important part of the green Olympics. Beijing once solemnly promised: “By 2008, all urban rubbish will be safely disposed of, the rubbish resource utilization rate will reach 30% and the classification collection rate will reach 50%.” , Concentrated treatment, reuse rate of 50% “However, the total amount of 17 days of garbage, but also with a large city of Beijing garbage output equivalent. In 2006, the amount of domestic garbage in China was 148 million tons, and 2/3 of the cities were surrounded by garbage belts. The government can not be without question in solving the garbage problem. Carrying out environmental education among the general public and promoting waste separation resulted in no people being able to find a separate trash bin. However, the tram truck put all the trash into the trunk of the tram and the whole city’s garbage sorting system was entirely supported by foreign scavengers. Furthermore, urban planning fails to take full account of the environmental needs of waste treatment and disregards environmental advice. In the final analysis, circular economy is a technical work, not only requires scientific and technological strength, but also requires careful management. And once China wants to solve the dilemma of the ”Garbage Besieged City", the first change felt by the people is still a toll increase. As a waste treatment system project package plan and the flow of funds in the future, people are still unknown. With the central government’s advocacy of circular economy and rising urban land prices, local governments are more motivated to build their own waste-to-power plants than to build traditional landfills. At present, the industry in the country has been everywhere in the flow of potential, but the relevant standards have not been paid. We hope that the Beijing Green Olympics’ implementation of its commitment to waste disposal will provide a good example for a wider area in China, whether it is systematic handling, standard setting or equal consultation with residents.
<正> “宋以后怕可以说是我们的散文时代,诗不得不散文化,散文化的诗才有爱学爱读的人。”学者、散文家兼诗人朱自清的这个见解,是很有启发性的。他为我们打开了窥探宋代文学
1问题的提出  外加剂已成为混凝土组分中不可缺少的一部分,但水泥与外加剂的相容性问题也是工程实际中常出现的问题.影响水泥与外加剂相容性的因素很多,如水泥中C3A、C3S、
<正> 关于我国古典文学中的现实主义问题,学术界殊多歧议。有的论者认为,现实主义乃是西方美学、文艺学的概念和理论,不适用于我国。在我国古典文学中,不存在现实主义传统,自