变应性亚败血症是一种临床综合征。以往认为多发生在儿童,近年来由于对此病认识水平的提高,国内对此病报道也逐渐增多。由于本症临床表现复杂,早期又无特异性症状及体征,极易造成误诊。现就我院收治的15例进行初步分析。临床资料一般资料:本组15例,男9例,女6例,年龄24~48岁。病程短者3个月,长者3年。临床表现: 1.发热:1例为间歇性弛张热达3年之久,1例为稽留热,余13例为不规则高热,最高体温可达39.4~40℃,但高热期间一般状况良好,
Allergic sepsis is a clinical syndrome. In the past that occurred in children, in recent years due to increased awareness of the disease, the domestic coverage of the disease also gradually increased. Due to the complex clinical manifestations of disease, early symptoms and signs and no specific, easily misdiagnosed. Now 15 cases admitted to our hospital for a preliminary analysis. Clinical data General information: The group of 15 patients, 9 males and 6 females, aged 24 to 48 years. Short duration of 3 months, the elderly 3 years. Clinical manifestations: 1. fever: 1 case of intermittent remission heat up to 3 years, 1 case of missed heat, 13 cases of irregular high fever, the maximum body temperature up to 39.4 ~ 40 ℃, but generally during high fever ,