一、物联网:第三次全球信息化产业浪潮1.物联网,万物互联之网物联网,英文名称lnternet of things,简称IoT。顾名思义,物联网就是物物相连的互联网。这里包含两层意思:其一,物联网的核心和基础仍然是互联网,是在互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络;其二,其用户端延伸和扩展到了物品与物品之间,进行信息交换和通信。物联网是继计算机、互联网与移动通信网之后的第三次信息产业浪潮,被列为国家重点发展的战略隆新兴产业之一。
First, the Internet of things: the third wave of global information industry 1. Internet of Things, Internet of Things Internet of Things, the English name lnternet of things, referred to as IoT. As the name suggests, the Internet of things is the Internet of things connected. Here includes two meanings: First, the core and foundation of the Internet of Things is still the Internet, is based on the Internet extension and expansion of the network; Second, the client extends and extends between the items and items for information exchange And communication. Internet of Things (IoT) is the third wave of information industry after computers, the Internet and mobile communication networks. It is listed as one of the strategic emerging industries that are under key state development.