Hybrid Audio和ARC这两个美国汽车音响品牌,走的是细致精准且面面俱到的风格路线。旗下各个型号,似乎毫无特色却又几乎没有不足,在水平平庸的汽车音响改装技师手中,它们确实难以为车主留下先入为主的印象;但若经过深谙汽车音响之道的汽车音响改装技师的点化,它们就可凭着绝妙声色为汽车插上一双飞翔的翅膀。这辆以Hybrid Audio Legatia莱格蒂雅专业版三路套装喇叭和ARC KS300.2两路功放为核心对汽车音响进行了改装的福特翼虎,就是如此。
Hybrid Audio and ARC two American car audio brands, take the style of meticulous precision and comprehensive. Each of its models, it seems almost no characteristics but almost no shortage of mediocre car audio technicians in the hands of the leveling, they really difficult for owners to leave preconceived impression; but if after the well-known car audio channel car audio conversion technician Point of them, they can with wonderful sound for the car plug in a pair of flying wings. This is the case for the Ford Aviator, which is based on the Hybrid Audio Legatia Professional Edition triple-set loudspeaker and the ARC KS300.2 two-way amplifier with a car audio modification.