凯迪拉克全新标准展厅于苏州落成开业,成为全球第一家采用最新设施标准的凯迪拉克展厅。全新展厅设计灵感来源于纽约凯迪拉克品牌空间(Cadillac House),同时考量中国市场和消费者的实际需求,着力打造“新美式豪华”全方位体验。化繁为简的外观设计凯迪拉克全新标准展厅在外观设计上创造了一个极具现代化风格,并具有品牌特色的外立面形象:造型上,由过去的经典宫殿风格转变为以极简的几何图形打造而成的简约现代风
Cadillac brand new standard hall was opened in Suzhou, becoming the world’s first standard facility using the latest Cadillac exhibition hall. Inspired by the Cadillac House in New York City, the new showroom design takes into account the actual needs of the Chinese market and consumers to create a “New American Luxury” experience. The simplified design Cadillac brand new standard exhibition hall in the design to create a very modern style, and with brand characteristics of the facade of the image: the shape, from the classic style of the past into a minimalist geometric figure Made of simple modern style