Analysis of 50 cases of hypertensive severe basal ganglia hematoma clinical manifestations, CT classification and surgical prognosis. According to the type of hematoma, type Ⅰ (17 cases) was located outside the internal capsule, type Ⅱ (14 cases) infringe the internal capsule, type Ⅲ (6 cases) infringe the internal capsule and hypothalamus or thalamus, type Ⅳ (5 cases) Hemorrhage, Ⅴ type (8 cases) hematoma extended to the midbrain or pons. Surgical mortality was 42%, of which type Ⅰ 17.65%, type Ⅱ 28.57%, type Ⅲ 83.33%, type Ⅳ 20%, type Ⅴ 100%. Ⅰ, Ⅱ severe basal ganglia hematoma should fight for early surgery; early upper gastrointestinal bleeding Ⅲ caution surgery; Ⅳ only for ventricular drainage can be; Ⅴ type no surgical indications.