
来源 :中国媒体发展研究报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmyzkmyzkmyz
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动漫产业在国家一系列优惠政策的推动下,已经成为中国文化创意产业发展很具活力的组成部分。有关动漫产业方面的研究,也越来越成为学界和业界关注的热点。作为动漫产业的重要创意载体及其产业链延伸的基础环节,动漫期刊的重要地位也日益凸显。历经了《北京卡通》、《动漫时代》等一批刊物的休刊阵痛后,近几年来,动漫期刊重新繁荣起来,迎来新的春天。随着《知音漫客》、《飒漫画》、《漫友》等品牌动漫期刊在市场上站稳脚 Under the promotion of a series of national preferential policies, the animation industry has become a very active part of the development of China’s cultural and creative industries. Research on the animation industry has also become a hot spot in academia and the industry. As the important creative carrier of animation industry and the extension of its industrial chain, the important position of animation periodicals is also increasingly prominent. After a series of journals such as “Beijing Cartoon” and “Animation Times”, the animation journals have regained their prosperity and usher in a new spring in recent years. With the “sweetheart”, “Sa comic”, “Man Friends” and other brands of animation periodicals in the market firm
摘要 电视节目《百家讲坛》经过几年的不断改版和完善,已经成为了具有广泛电视观众基础的品牌栏目。而以电视节目《百家讲坛》讲稿为基础发行的《百家讲坛》系列图书延续了电视节目的火热,创造了惊人的持续畅销现象。本文从传播内容、传播媒介、传播受众和传播策略四个方面对《百家讲坛》图书畅销现象进行了分析,揭开了这套电视图书畅销的原因。  关键词:《百家讲坛》 电视图书 畅销现象  中图分类号: