一、前言 目前,许多品牌电脑都集成了较完善的多媒体功能,市场上也有一些集声卡、解压卡、电视卡、VGA卡等多种功能于一身的多媒体板卡在出售,这些都是广大多媒体爱好者的福音,但是,对于多媒体“发烧友”来说,选择自己中意的多媒体组件,自己动手组装一台全功能的多媒体电脑,却不失为—种有益的尝试。正是基于这样的考虑,我们于1995年初自己组装了一台多媒体电脑,经过近两年的使用,系统运行状态良好。现将我们的心得介绍给大家,以期能对大家有所启发。 二、系统的构成与连接 1.系统构成 主要配置:台湾产ALI主板,INTEL PENTIUM66处理器,8M内存,540M硬盘,Trident 9680真彩显示卡,15英
I. INTRODUCTION At present, many brands of computers have integrated more sophisticated multimedia functions. There are also some multimedia cards in the market that have many functions such as sound card, unzip card, TV card, VGA card, etc. These are all multimedia But for the multimedia “enthusiasts”, choosing a multimedia device of their own interest and assembling a full-featured multimedia computer yourself is a useful endeavor. It is based on this consideration that we assembled a multimedia computer ourselves in early 1995 and after nearly two years of use, the system was in good working order. Now we introduce our experience to everyone, with a view to be able to inspire everyone. Second, the system structure and connection 1. System Configuration Main configuration: Taiwan ALI motherboard, INTEL PENTIUM66 processor, 8M memory, 540M hard drive, Trident 9680 true color graphics card, 15 British