本文以缕析最高人民法院关于二审程序中反诉问题所作的一项司法解释之价值 预设与罅漏为行文基点,指出在二审程序中,被告能否提起反诉应以原告是否同 意为前提条件,如此才能兼顾保护当事人审级利益与依法审理反诉案件之间的 矛盾。
This paper analyzes the value presupposition and the omission of a judicial interpretation made by the Supreme People’s Court on the counterclaim in the second instance procedure as the starting point of the article and points out that whether the defendant can file a counterclaim in the second instance trial should be based on the plaintiff’s consent, Only in this way can we take into consideration the contradiction between the interests of the parties involved in hearing the case and the hearing of counterclaim cases according to law.