银座,在东京闹市区的东南隅,是东京,也是日本最繁华的地方,这里是阔佬富婆们经常出入的地方,所以这里的商品价格也比别处高。银座的地价也是全日本、甚至全世界最高的。据说银座内地价最高的地块,仅一只脚印大小的地皮,价钱即可高达2亿日币(约相当于19万人民币)。然而,鲜为人知的是,这片繁荣的崛起,与近百年前的一段消防史话有着密切的关系。 银座,在大火中涅槃 随着江户慕府的没落,代表封建都市的“江户”之名称也随之进了博物馆,随即改名为东京。作为明治维新的一项政治措施,也作为对封建制的永诀,日本的首都由京都(也称西京)迁到东京。皇城就设在银座以北。这样,日本的首都,政治的中心——皇城,倚北而立;日本的经济中凡——日本桥,位于西北;
Ginza, in the southeast corner of Tokyo’s downtown area, is Tokyo and the most prosperous place in Japan. Here is the place frequented by broad-leaved rich ladies, so the prices of goods here are also higher than elsewhere. Ginza’s land is also the highest in Japan and even in the world. It is said that the highest price of land in Ginza, only a footprints of land, the price can be as high as 200 million Japanese yen (equivalent to about 190,000 yuan). However, little-known is the rise of this prosperity has a close relationship with a period of fire history nearly a hundred years ago. Ginza, in the fire Nirvana with the decline of Edo Mufu, on behalf of the feudal city of “Edo” name also followed into the museum, then renamed Tokyo. As a political measure of Meiji Restoration, but also as a permanent tactic of feudalism, Japan’s capital moved from Kyoto (also known as Xijing) to Tokyo. The Imperial City is located north of Ginza. In this way, the capital of Japan, the center of politics - imperial city, stand in the north; the economy in Japan - Japan Bridge, located in the northwest;