Humidity that is appropriate for Zika virus infection:A summary from Thai cases

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoHolly
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In the present day,Zika virus infection is a big problem in medicine.As a mosquito borne infectious disease,the climate parameters including humidity can affect the disease suitability.However,there is no previous data on the appropriate humidity level that can promote Zika virus infection.Here,the authors analyze the data on humidity where the Zika infections are detected in Thailand and found that the average humidity is equal to(66.14%±19.86%),which is the level that can be seen in several areas of the world including to non-tropical countries.This implies that there is a possible risk of Zika virus infection in the non-tropical country with appropriate humidity level. In the present day, Zika virus infection is a big problem in medicine. As a mosquito borne infectious disease, the climate parameters including humidity can affect the disease suitability. However, there is no previous data on the appropriate humidity level that can promote Zika virus infection. Here, the authors analyze the data on humidity where the Zika infections are detected in Thailand and found that the average humidity is equal to (66.14% ± 19.86%), which is the level that can be seen in several areas of the world including to non-tropical countries. This implies that there is a possible risk of Zika virus infection in the non-tropical country with appropriate humidity level.
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