“一·二八”事变后 ,东三省沦陷 ,中国东部沿海地区也受到日军的威胁 ,国民党的一些有志之士纷纷提出在西北建立抗日的大后方。 1932年 3月 5日 ,国民党中央会议通过以西安“为陪都 ,定名为西京”的决定 ,同时 ,成立西京筹备委员会 ,以引起国人对开发西北的重视。随后国民政府
After the “January 28 Incident”, the fall of the three northeastern provinces and the coastal areas in eastern China were also threatened by the Japanese. Some people with lofty ideals in the Kuomintang have proposed to establish a large rear area in the northwest. On March 5, 1932, the KMT Central Committee adopted the decision of “regarding capital as the capital and capital city of Xijing” and setting up the Xijing Preparatory Committee to arouse people’s attention to the development of the Northwest. Then the national government