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湖南石门县植保植检站日前称,为保护生态环境,有效防治柑橘大实蝇,地面药杀柑橘大实蝇羽化成虫须谨慎。一、可以地面药杀的情形。上年发生严重,没有或没有及时捡拾虫落果,当前存活虫口基数大、密度大,这样的橘园地块,在准确掌握本橘园成虫羽化出土时间的情况下,可以使用适当的药剂毒杀大实蝇羽化成虫。二、不需地面药杀的情形。上年没发生的橘园,根本没必有地面药杀;上年虫 Shimen County Plant Protection and Inspection Station recently said that in order to protect the ecological environment, the effective control of Citrus Daucus, ground medicine kill Citrus tsetse feather adults need to be cautious. First, you can kill the case of the ground. In the last year, there was a serious situation with no or no timely pick-up of pests and insects. Currently, the number of surviving poplar bases is large and the density is very high. In the case of the orangery plots, in the case of accurate identification of emergence time of the adults in this orangery, Fruit fly eclosion adult. Second, do not need to kill the case of the ground. Orangery did not happen the previous year, there is no need to kill the ground; last year insects