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法庭诉辩,在我国春秋战国时期和西方希腊罗马时代就已出现。法庭诉辩的效果,不仅体现出公诉人或辩护律师的业务能力,而且直接关系到被害人或被告人的合法权益的维护,以维护法律的尊严。随着社会主义现代化建设和改革开放的深人,民主与法制的不断健全,提高和完善法庭诉辩技能,已成为司法专业人员面临的迫切需要。有鉴于此,我刊今年第1期起开辟“诉辩精萃”这一栏目,从浩如烟海的中外古今法庭诉辩的历史文献中撷取精华,介绍并再现从思想内容到表达艺术均属上乘的诉辩作品,以飧读者。 Court pleadings have appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in our country and in the era of Western Greece and Rome. The effect of the court’s plea not only reflects the professional ability of the public prosecutor or defense counsel but also directly protects the legal rights and interests of the victim or the accused in order to maintain the dignity of the law. With the socialist modernization drive and the deepening of reform and opening up, the continuous improvement of democracy and the legal system, it has become an urgent need for judicial professionals to improve and perfect the court vindication skills. In view of this, I started this year with the section titled “Prosecutions and Arguments”, which takes the essence from the vast historical documents of both China and other countries in ancient and modern tribunals, introduces and reproduces the ideological content and the expressive arts Pleadings to readers.
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2 工作机构的保养发动机工作机构经常在高温、高压和高速条件下工作 ,各运动零件极易磨损。如使用不当或保养不及时 ,就会加速零件的磨损 ,失去原有的几何尺寸和精度 ,使零
The coherent-light-driven tunneling in double quantum wells has been studied. The electrons are coupled to a system of phonons and subjected to the two beams o
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