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信息社会的高速发展使得网络文学作品有了超强的传播能力,现阶段的中学生阅读、写作,甚至于中学语文阅读教学中都大量引用了网络文学作品。网络作品的自由随性、轻松诙谐的特点使其长期占据着高中生的主流阅读的半壁江山。然而,任何事物过犹不及,网络文学作品这把双刃剑在吸引高中生的同时,其内容和文风也对高中生产生了影响,本文以此为出发点,详细探讨了网络文学作品对高中生成长过程中带来的良性和不良影响。 The rapid development of information society has enabled online literary works to have superb ability to spread. At this stage, high school students read and write and even cite a large amount of online literary works in secondary school Chinese reading teaching. The free and easy humorous characteristics of online works make it occupy half of the mainstream reading of high school students. However, anything goes too far. While the double-edged sword of online literary works attracts high school students, its content and style have an impact on high school students’ production. Based on this, this article discusses in detail the impact of online literary works on the growth of high school students. In the benign and adverse effects.
歌手与歌曲简介(About the singer and the song)  1984年生于澳大利亚的Delta Goodrem(黛尔塔古德莱姆),从小就踏入娱乐圈,15岁时就签约到Sony旗下,在年仅18岁的时候就以单曲Born To Try和Lost Without You取得澳洲排行冠军。Born To Try也成为英国和新西兰排行榜冠军。2003年,她的第一张专辑Innocent Eye
研读近几年的高考单项选择题不难发现这一题型不但越来越情景化,而且又灵活多变,句子结构渐趋复杂化,因此,许多考生在备考过程中感到无从下手。其实万变不离其宗,考生只要基础扎实,熟练地掌握了必背的短语和句式,就能以不变应万变。我认为 “还原法”是解决此类题的金钥匙。下面就让我们睁开慧眼一起来识别单选题的变形术吧。    一、固定短语的变形    1. There is no one in the str