The inclusion crystal formed by the hexamethylenamine with p-nitrophenol has a layer type structure,and is divided or-ganic layer and inorganic layer,the latte
Substituted phenoxy acetyl chloride reacted with trimethyl phosphite to form an unexpected substituted phenoxy acetic acid ester, confirmed by ~1HNMR, IR and MS
The perovskite type of compound [n-C<sub>11</sub>H<sub>23</sub>N<sub>3</sub>]<sub>2</sub>ZnCl<sub>4</sub>(abr.C<sub>11</sub>Zn)exhibits two solid-solid phasetra
The measured relative rates of halophilic and protophilic attacks (k_X/k_H) indicate that the rates of halophilic attacks are comparable in magnitude to those o