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建国以来,特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的电影事业有了很大的发展。解放初期,我国只有几家电影制片厂,如今,经过中央批准的电影制片厂就有十八家(其中十三家故事片厂、一家美术片厂、一家新闻纪录片厂、三家科教片厂),还新建了电影译制、洗印、技术、胶片、机械、字幕等工厂。文化部门专业电影院从解放初期的六百多座增加到1983年底的4101座,放映单位在此期间发展了130800个。近几年来,还发展了不少集体办和个人办的农村放映队。三十五年来,在党的“二为”、“双百”方针的指引下,影片创作速度增快,质量也有很大提高。如故事片,解放初期,每年只能生产十多部,而现在,已能生产120多部。从1949年10月到1983年底,全国共生产故事片1270部,美术片537部,新闻纪录片12872本,科教片5010本,译制外国长短片近两千部。1979年建立中国电影合作制片公司以来,近五年中,与一些国家和地区合作拍摄了电影73部(其中故事片14部)。国产影片在题材、风格和样式方面,越来越丰富多彩,有不少优秀影片深受广大观众欢迎。电影在丰富和活跃人民文化生活,在四化建设和两个文明建 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, there has been a great development in the movie industry in our country. In the early period of the liberation, there were only a few movie studios in our country. Nowadays, there are 18 movie studios approved by the Central Government (including 13 feature film studios, a fine art film factory, a news documentary factory and three science and education film factories) New film translation, printing, technology, film, machinery, subtitles and other factories. The number of specialized cinemas in the cultural sector increased from over 600 in the early days of liberation to 4,101 in 1983, and the number of exhibiting units increased by 130,800 during this period. In recent years, a number of rural projection teams run by collectives and individuals have also been developed. In the past 35 years, under the guideline of “two for” and “two hundred” of the party, film creation has been accelerated and quality has greatly improved. As the feature film, in the early days of liberation, it produced only about a dozen units a year, and now it can produce more than 120 units. From October 1949 to the end of 1983, there were altogether 1,270 feature films, 537 fine art films, 12,872 news documentary films, 5010 science and technology films and nearly 2,000 foreign and domestic short films. Since the establishment of the Chinese film co-production company in 1979, in the past five years, 73 films (including 14 feature films) have been filmed in cooperation with some countries and regions. Domestic films in the theme, style and style, more and more colorful, many excellent films by the majority of the audience. The film is enriching and active people’s cultural life, building in the four modernizations and building of two civilizations
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