Innovation or Rent-seeking:The Entrepreneurial Behavior during China's Economic Transformation

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxine1234
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Although achieving impressive economic growth during the economic reform period,China has been plagued by rampant corruption and a widening income gap.How can the coexistence of these two phenomena be explained? In this paper,we argue that before 1994,the coexistence was induced by a series of expediential institutional arrangements to stimulate entrepreneurial activities and after 1994,it was entrenched because of the slow progress in the overall reform toward becoming a market economy and because of inappropriate government actions and the lack of government action in institutional building.To solve these problems, economic and political reforms need to be accelerated to improve market institutions and to establish the rule of law. Although there is impressive growth in the economic reform period, China has been plagued by rampant corruption and a widening income gap. How can the coexistence of these two phenomena be explained? In this paper, we argue that before 1994, the coexistence was induced by a series of expediential institutional arrangements to stimulate entrepreneurial activities and after 1994, it was entrenched because of the slow progress in the overall reform toward becoming a market economy and because of inappropriate government actions and the lack of government action in institutional building. To solve these problems, economic and political reforms need to be accelerated to improve market institutions and establish the rule of law.
早在1965年,SAES公司就开始研制用于荧光灯的一种吸气剂。在广泛探讨了各种不同配比的锆铝合金对各种不同气体的吸收率以后,选择了St 101合金。 它的成分配比是:84%Zr,16%Al,
目的 探讨鼻息肉病人治疗前后组织转化生长因子 α(TGF α)、表皮生长因子受体 (EGFR)、增殖细胞核抗原 (PCNA)的表达。方法 应用免疫组化法和放免法分别测定激素组 (45例
很早以前,北京城里最好的建筑,大都是摆在城市中轴线上面的。它们就像是极有规矩地组合起来的队伍,其和谐,其郑重,其矜持,使整个北京城也跟着威严和典雅了起来。这条中轴线最北端的两座建筑,是古代的报时中心,彼此相距大约100米,就是钟楼和鼓楼。想当年,钟鼓的轰鸣之声,可以传播到京城内外方圆十余里范围。它们简单的声音,或许太短暂了,但即使短暂的一瞬,却也构成了静夜京华中最值得炫耀的一笔华彩。  钟和鼓的性