本文报告一例12岁女孩,右眼区疼痛5天,全身不适,视力6/9,畏光、流泪,眼睑略浮肿,上睑轻度下垂,眼球呈压痛并突出5 mm,各方位运动均受限,结膜中度充血伴轻度水肿,浅层巩膜充血,裂隙灯其他检查结果均正常。整个黄斑区有多发性视网膜色素上皮的泡样隆起。超声波B型扫描发现眼球后部扁平,巩膜和脉络膜增厚、球后水肿。荧光素血管造影证实黄斑区有多发性色素上皮脱离。左眼完全正常。血沉41 mm/小时,总的补体水平轻度升高,T细胞量略下降,B细胞稍有增加,结核菌素皮肤试验阴性。CT扫描显示右眼后部巩膜增厚。给于口服强的松
This article reports a 12-year-old girl with pain in the right eye area for 5 days, general malaise, visual acuity of 6/9, photophobia, tearing, slight eyelid edema, mild upper eyelid ptosis, tenderness of the eye and prominent 5 mm, Limited, moderate congestion with mild conjunctival edema, superficial scleral hyperemia, slit lamp other test results were normal. The entire macular area has multiple retinal pigment epithelium bubble-like bulge. Ultrasound B-scan found the back of the eye flat, sclera and choroid thickening, posterior ball edema. Fluorescein angiography confirmed multiple macular pigment epithelial detachment. Left eye completely normal. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 41 mm / h, total complement level slightly increased, T cells decreased slightly, B cells slightly increased, tuberculin skin test was negative. CT scans showed thickening of the posterior sclera in the right eye. Give oral prednisone