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2007Ambiente法兰克福国际春季消费品展览会吸引了来自全球128个国家逾15万专业观众前来参观。来自85个国家的4.604家展商通过餐桌与厨房,家居生活用品以及礼品三个不同展区,向观众们展示了他们的新产品。展会根据三个主题展区,分别推介了今年春夏的家居消费品流行趋势。今年餐桌与厨房的主题是“绿色”,所有展台与展品除了从颜色上强调这一初夏流行色外,还从材质和工艺上凸显了今年流行的环保主题。今夏家居生活日用品的总体潮流是:优质、天然便于清洁的产品将受到消费者推崇。礼品方面,独具匠心,赋予创意的新式礼品将会成为人们更加喜欢的馈赠佳品。此次展会的规模及展会成交量堪称国际之最,同时也被业界人士看作是春夏家居产品和流行的风向标。 The 2007 Ambiente International Spring Fair in Frankfurt attracted more than 150,000 professional visitors from 128 countries around the world. The 4.604 exhibitors from 85 countries presented their new products to the audience through three different exhibition areas: dining table and kitchen, household goods and gifts. According to the three thematic exhibition areas, the exhibition promoted the trend of consumer goods in the spring and summer of this year. The theme of this year’s table and kitchen is “green”. In addition to highlighting the early summer fashion colors, all booths and exhibits highlight the environmental protection theme popular this year from materials and craftsmanship. The overall trend of daily necessities for household life this summer is: Quality, natural and easy to clean products will be respected by consumers. In terms of gifts, the original gifts that give originality to creative ideas will become a favorite gift for people. The scale of the exhibition and the trade volume of the exhibition can be regarded as the best in the world. At the same time, it is also considered by the industry professionals as the weather vane of home and spring products in the spring and summer.
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