(A) the meaning of essence and the role of Chinese medicine so-called “essence”, generally has the following functions: ① reproductive function: such as the spiritual pivot Meridian articles: “people begin, first into fine.” Resolute articles, said: “God beat each other, forming, often first life, is fine.” Referred to here as fine, that is, “reproductive essence.” ② It is the most essential part of food, following the meridians, nourishing the internal organs and all body tissues and organs. Such as vegetarian asked Meridian Pessimism articles, said: “gas into the stomach, scattered fine in the liver ... Turbulent air, obscenity in the pulse ... ... pulmonary into the hundred veins, lose their hair, hair veins, the gas in the government, House spirit Ming, stay in the four dirty, gas at the balance ... ... ”. So as long as the “fine” obstacles, the body can cause a variety of lesions. Such as the soul of resolute articles, said: “fine deafness.” Spirit Psalm God also said: “The fine injury is osteoacid twitching, fine from time to time.” The above verse shows that many organs can develop lesions if they are refined.