大陆边缘是地球碳氢化合物和金属矿产资源形成的重要场所,同时也是地震、火山、滑坡等灾害的多发地,此外,大陆边缘附近还拥有当前最高的人口密度。因此,大陆边缘具有很高的社会和经济重要性。美国国家科学基金会(NSF)于1998年启动大陆边缘研究(MARGINS)计划,该计划于2010年结束,并取得可喜成绩。之后,NSF在2012年启动“裂谷与俯冲边缘的地球动力学过程”(Geodynamic Processes at Rifting and Subducting Margins,GeoPRISMS)计划及其项目征集工作。2013年12月,GeoPRISMS执行计划(GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan)发布。在此,我们对GeoPRISMS执行计划中的研究区域及其将探讨的具体科学问题做一简要介绍,以便相关人员能更好地了解该计划的实施。
The continental margin is an important place formed by the earth’s hydrocarbon and metal mineral resources. It is also a frequent site of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and other disasters. In addition, it has the highest present population density near the edge of the mainland. Therefore, the continental margin has a high social and economic importance. The National Science Foundation (NSF) launched the MARGINS program in 1998, which ended in 2010 with gratifying results. Later, the NSF launched the “Geodynamic Processes at Rifting and Subducting Margins (GeoPRISMS)” project and its project solicitation in 2012. December 2013, GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan (GeoPRISMS Implementation Plan) released. Here, we provide a brief overview of the research area in the GeoPRISMS implementation plan and the specific scientific issues it will explore so that stakeholders can better understand the program’s implementation.