38. Morphological Changes of Testis and Sperm Subchronic Inhalation of Ethylene Oxide in Mice

来源 :癌变·畸变·突变 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmei_0
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Male mice were exposed to ethylene oxide(Et0) at concentrations of 54, 360 mg/m3 for two hours a day, on six days a week for 14 weeks. The results of sperm abnormalities test in mice showed the mutation frequencies of both low (54 mg/m3) and high (360 mg/m3) concentration groups are abvious (They are 29.40±16.24, P<0.05 and 52.91±11.97, P<0.001, respectively.). These showed that it causes evident mutagenesis to inhale ethylene oxide for a long time although in the low concentration. In light microscopic observation of the testis, the numbers of germ cells and layers of seminiferous epithelium decreased slightly in 54 mg/m3 group, but obviously in 360 mg/m3 group. Sometimes multinucleated giant cells were observed in the damaged seminiferous tubules, and more changes could be seen in the examination of seminiferous tubules under an electron microscope. The changes are: acrosomes of a lot of spermatid during spermiogenesis developmented teratoid and have not had a marked deviation of the hooked acrosome from the long axis of the nucleus, which is a charater of a sperm in mice; excessive nucleoplasm of sperm is eliminated incompletly; autolysis in a lot of spermatid was observed in development; mitochondria which located around the tails of sperm decreased and even disappeared.rn These abnormal ultrastructures on morphology in spermatogenesis associated the results of Sperm Abnormalities Tests, Dominat-Lethal Tests and Heritable Translocation Tests and so on, which are studied in cytogenetic, explained that Eto is a potent antispermatogenic agent and a teratogen. Indeed, the possiblility of inferti-lity and the teratogenesis in offspring among male workers potentially exposed to Eto should be studied further.
摘要 为了加快我国现代化建设步伐,全面实现小康社会,党的历届党代会都对民营中小企业的发展作出了高度的肯定并寄予了厚望。然而,民营中小企业的发展过程中还面临许许多多这样或者那样的困难。本文着力分析民营中小企业融资难的原因,并有针对性地提出建议,希望能帮助民营中小企业更加快速、良性发展。  关键词 私营经济 融资 原因 对策  中图分类号:F276.3 文献标识码:A  党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社
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已故河北籍作家贾大山生前曾陪作家铁凝去看一座寺庙。这座庙供奉的是大肚弥勒佛。贾大山指着庙中那副著名的对联说,这副对联可是大有问题,如果弥勒佛能容世上难容之事,那他就不该笑天下可笑之人。  这副对联大家都知道,即:大肚能容,容天下難容之事;笑口常开,笑世上可笑之人。贾大山用半句话揭开了这副对联的矛盾之处,另半句应该是:既然经常笑世上可笑之人,就谈不上能容天下难容之事。矛盾之处很明显,上联说的是胸怀,