1949年5月17日,武全夫率领中国人民解放军赣闽粤边区纵队,解放了光泽县城,建立了人民临时政务委员会,这是光泽历史上的第一次解放。 赣闽粤边区纵队是由江西省黎川县国民党地方武装起义改编的,根据中共湘赣工委部署,起义部队在攻打光泽之前,已经争取了光泽县的何琨自卫队起义。何琨与武全夫有旧部属关系,已秘密参加了武全夫的起义行动。5月13日,何琨以与止马毗邻的黎川县发生骚乱为由,报请县长批准率自卫队驻止马警戒,实为接应武全夫部队过境攻打光泽。是日,何琨收编了止马、水口两乡公所的乡丁,队伍扩充到150余人,屯扎在止马、水口一带待命。这
On May 17, 1949, Wu Tungfu led the Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s column in the border area of Gan, Min and Yue, liberated the Guangze county seat and established the People’s Provisional Political Committee. This is the first liberation in gloss history. The columns of the Gan-Min-Yue Border Region were adapted from the local armed uprisings of the Kuomintang in Lichuan County, Jiangxi Province. According to the deployment of the Hunan-Jiangxi Working Committee of the CPC, the rebel forces have already won the Ho-SD Self-Defense Forces uprising in Guangze County before they attack the luster. He Kun and Wu Quanfu have the old subordinate relations, has secretly participated in the uprising Wu Takeshi. On May 13, He Kun reported to the magistrate for approval of the arrest of the Self-Defense Forces at the horse’s warning on the ground of rioting in Lichuan County, adjacent to Zhima. It is the same day that He Kun compiled and edited Zhima and Shoukou Township Public Places Township Township Units. The number of troops expanded to more than 150, and Tunzha was on standby in the direction of Ma and Shuikou. This