马克·纽森(Marc Newson),一位跨越时空的浪漫主义天才设计师,多思善辩的艺术巨匠,在当今欧洲设计界,他早已像电影明星一样走红,但在中国却至今仍鲜为设计师们所知。虽然年仅36岁,却以其独特的设计理念,在室内设计、包装设计、家具设计、家庭实用品设计以及其他工业产品设计等几乎所有的设计领域创造出了夺目的成就。 纽森1963年生于澳大利亚的悉尼,童年时代在欧洲与亚洲之间的频繁旅行,为他日后在设计中博采众长打下了良好的基础。1984年,纽森毕业于澳大利亚的悉尼艺术学院,大学期间他主修珠宝与雕塑艺术,但同时他却对家具设计产生了浓厚的兴趣,从而开始了家具设计的尝试,并取得了初步的成功。大学毕业后不久,他所设计的Lock-heed躺椅(图1)就得到澳大利亚工艺委员会的许可,在悉尼艺术画廊展出,为他日后的设计生涯起了一个良好的开端。
Marc Newson, a talented romantic genius designer who has been thinking of euphemisms, has always been as famous as a movie star in today’s European design community. However, in China, Marc Newson is still rare Designers know. Although only 36 years old, but with its unique design concept, in interior design, packaging design, furniture design, home appliances design and other industrial product design, almost all of the design field to create a remarkable achievement. Born in Sydney, Australia in 1963, Niusen traveled frequently between childhood and Europe in his childhood and laid a good foundation for his future design. After graduating from the Sydney Institute of the Arts in Sydney, Australia, in 1984, he studied jewelry and sculpture, but at the same time he became deeply interested in furniture design and started his furniture design attempt with initial success . Shortly after graduating from college, the Lock-heed deck chair (Figure 1) he designed was licensed by the Australian Craft Council and exhibited at the Sydney Art Gallery to make a good start to his future career in design.