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《文艺报》2005年一篇文章,发表他们的调查,说少年儿童沉溺于影视和电子游戏、网上虚拟世界,缺少对书报的阅读兴趣;书报阅读处于低迷,导致缺乏独立思考的思维训练,写作水平低下。意思是说在多元传媒中纸媒体打了败仗。这早已经不是新闻。想起十多年前日本出版界“适应”年轻读者“离开铅字”掀起的连环画热,后又掉入低谷;想起2004年上海金山区10月8日至9日为纪念“语文单独设科100周年”而举行的“中国语文教育高峰论坛”上的发言基本上是讨伐语文教育,包括批评语文课本;想起不久前,法国报纸报道有多家电子游戏机公司发行新一代电子游戏,儿童将沉迷更甚,等等,警报频传,似不仅限于我国了。但是,有些书在中外却销得都很好,如《哈利·波特》风靡世界,已连续至第七本。看来,多元媒体时代纸载体并非注定天天打败仗。关键谁抓得住孩子的心,谁就能赢得受众。 An article published in The Arts and Literature published their survey in 2005, saying that children and adolescents were indulged in movies and video games, online virtual worlds, and lacked interest in the reading of newspapers and periodicals; reading newspapers was in a downturn and led to a lack of thinking training in independent thinking , Writing level is low. This means that the paper media in the multivariate media defeated. This is not news anymore. Think of more than a decade ago the Japanese publishing industry “Adapt ” young reader “leave the typeset ” set off the comic heat, and then fell into the trough; think of Jinshan District in Shanghai in October 8 to 9 October to commemorate the The 100th anniversary of the establishment of a separate “and held” “Chinese Language Education Forum ” on the basic statement is to crush the language education, including the criticism of Chinese textbooks; not long ago, the French newspaper reported that a number of electronic game companies to issue new A generation of video games, children will indulge even more, and so on, alarm frequency, it seems not limited to our country. However, some books are well sold both in China and abroad. For example, “Harry Potter” has swept the world and has continued to number seven. It seems that the multi-media era paper carrier is not destined to defeat every day. The key who grasps the child’s heart, who can win the audience.
紫海胆长期为沿海渔民所食用,经提取得紫海胆提取物SNC。药理实验证明,SNC有雄激素样活性,能明显增强机体免疫功能,升高血红蛋白,增强小鼠运动耐力等作用。未见毒副反应。 P
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研制了4种处方的硝酸甘油软膏,动物试验表明,B处方软膏透皮吸收良好,MVO_2 I的降低作用约在10min出现,持续4h以上,可用于临床预防治疗心绞痛发作。 Four formulations of ni
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本文根据实测片剂批的含量分布曲线,采用计算机模拟随机抽样方法对USP ⅩⅪ版片剂含量均匀度检验方案诸统计特性进行了分析,并与USP ⅩⅩ版相应方案的统计特性比较,获得了一
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