Objective: To study the effect of reorganized-humangrowth hormone (r-hGH) on cycle kinetics and apo-ptosis of liver cancer cells or 7402 cells.Methods: Liver cancer cells were cultured for 24hours with r-hGH at different concentrations with orwithout cisplatin (DDP). Cells undergoing apoptosisand differentiation were determined by flow cytome-try (FCM).Results: Comparison of the results in culture withand without r-hGH showed that the percentage ofcells in G_0-G_1 phase dropped (P<0.05), whereasin S phase increased (P<0.05). Adding of r-hGHand DDP to the culture medium increased the apop-tosis of liver cancer cells more significantly thanadding DDP only (P<0.05).Conclusions: Liver cancer cells might express thehGH receptor. In vitro r-hGH might induce the dif-ferentiation of liver cancer cells, stimulate the combi-nation of DNA, and reduce the cells in G_0-G_1 pha-ses. These improve the sensibility of tumors to thespecial-staged chemical treatment. Chemotherapy to-gether with r-hGH may increase the apoptosis of livercancer cells.
Objective: To study the effect of reorganized-humangrowth hormone (r-hGH) on cycle kinetics and apo-ptosis of liver cancer cells or 7402 cells. Methods: Liver cancer cells were cultured for 24hours with r-hGH at different concentrations with orwithout cisplatin (DDP). Cells undergoing apoptosis and differentiation were determined by flow cytome-try (FCM). Results: Comparison of the results in culture withand without r-hGH showed that the percentage of cells in G_0-G_1 phase dropped (P <0.05) S phase increased (P <0.05). Adding of r-hGHand DDP to the culture medium increased the apop-tosis of liver cancer cells more significantly than at dding only (P <0.05) .Conclusions: Liver cancer cells might express the hGH receptor. In vitro r-hGH might induce the dif-ferentiation of liver cancer cells, stimulate the combi-nation of DNA, and reduce the cells in G_0-G_1 pha-ses. These improve the sensibility of tumors to the specific-staged chemical treatment. Chemotherapy to -gether with r-hGH may increase the apoptosis of livercancer cells.