
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhi911
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陕西省人民委员会通知(55)会商字第○○七号一九五五年九月八日兹将省商业厅制定的「陕西省商业厅关于一九九五年度棉花统购实施计划」和「陕西省商业厅关于一九五五年度棉布统购统销实施计划」随文颁发,希遵照执行。目前工业需棉甚急,因此各地应在新棉收获后迅速展开收购工作,切实贯彻「快收、快轧、快交」的精神,尽早地把棉花掌握起来,以保证工业生产和人民需要。为促使棉农积极地把棉花卖给国家,各地除应继续加强政治工作和改进收购方法外,并应作好物资供应,满足棉农的生产、生活资料的需要,以保证棉花统购任务的顺利完成。 Notice of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Committee (55) Meeting No. 2007 No. 8 September 1955 I hereby give the words “Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce’s Plan for Implementation of Cotton M & A in 1995” and “ Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce on the implementation of the plan for the implementation of the 1955 Monopoly for Purchase and Distribution of Cotton ”issued with the text, Xi follow the implementation. At present, cotton needs to be urgently needed in the industry. Therefore, all regions should promptly start the acquisition after the harvest of new cotton and effectively implement the spirit of “fast delivery, fast rolling and fast delivery” so that cotton can be mastered as soon as possible so as to ensure industrial production and people’s needs. In order to encourage farmers to actively sell cotton to the country, all localities should continue to strengthen their political work and improve the methods of acquisition, and should make material supply and meet the needs of farmers’ production and living materials so as to ensure the smooth completion of the task of cotton procurement.
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一、生产管理工作一九五四年生产任务完成情况,根据一百一十六个地方国营、公私合营厂矿的统计,共完成总产值计划百分之九八点九五:其中,地方国 I. Production Management