世界上最高、最长的高原铁路青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段 (简称格拉段 )的施工和今后的运营维修 ,需要大量的内燃轨道车。目前重型轨道车都在海拔 30 0 0m以下的地区使用 ,而格拉段的平均海拔 4 5 0 0m ,最高点唐古拉山为 5 0 70m。该线的主要特点为高海拔、低气温、大风沙、强
The construction and future operation and maintenance of the Golmud-Lhasa section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the tallest and longest plateau railway in the world, require a large amount of internal combustion rail vehicles. At present, heavy rail vehicles are all used in areas below 30m altitude, while the Gela segment has an average elevation of 4,500m and the highest point of Tanggula Mountain is 5 070m. The main features of this line are high altitude, low temperature, strong sand and wind