
来源 :河北法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sherryholmes
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人事诉讼程序是将身份关系上的争议作为调整对象,为实现身份关系的和谐与稳定,大陆法系国家从立法上认同了检察官参与人事诉讼,以实现对职权探知的必要补充。检察官的一般参与不仅可列席人事诉讼裁判并陈述意见,还可以提出新的事实主张及证据方法。就检察机关参与人事诉讼制度的法理、国外立法现状以及参与方式等内容从比较法的角度进行阐释。将检察官的参与制度引入人事诉讼,不仅有利于人事诉讼程序价值目标的实现,提升程序的公信力,更有益于诉讼经济以及人事诉讼社会功能的承兑,同时为人事诉讼判决既判力扩张的正当化提供制度上的保障,较好地保护承受判决对世效第三人的合法权益。 In order to realize the harmony and stability of the status of identity, the civil litigation procedure recognizes the controversy of identity relationship as the adjustment target. In the civil law countries, the civil law countries agree that the prosecutor participate in the personnel litigation in order to realize the necessary supplement to the exploration of the authority. The public prosecutor’s general participation can not only be present at the personnel litigation adjudication and presentation of opinions, but also put forward new facts and evidence methods. The law of procuratorates participating in personnel litigation system, the status quo of foreign legislation and the mode of participation are explained from the perspective of comparative law. The prosecutor’s participation in the system of personnel litigation, not only conducive to the realization of the objectives of the value of personnel litigation process to enhance the credibility of the program, but also more conducive to litigation economy and acceptance of the social functions of personnel litigation at the same time provide justification for the resumption of judgments in personnel litigation System of protection, to better protect the judgments on the effective third person’s legitimate rights and interests.
【摘要】 在素质教育背景下,初中英语核心素养是当前新课改和素质教育所提倡的内容。核心素养的培养可以进一步促进学生综合能力的发展,基于此,本文简单概括初中英语核心素养的定义,分析初中英语教学中培养核心素养的意义,提出初中英语核心素养的培养路径。  【关键词】初中英语;核心素养;培养  培养学生英语核心素养,有利于学生自主发展和创新能力的提升,也是对传统教学方式的一种转变。培养英语核心素养,需要从语言