Assessment of Ascending Aortic Elasticity in Hypertension Patients by Quantitative Tissue Velocity I

来源 :Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Med | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justice
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The elasticity of the ascending aorta in healthy volunteers and hypertension patients were examined by using quantitative tissue velocity imaging (QTVI), and the age-related change in the as-cending aortic elasticity was investigated. The anterior and posterior walls of the ascending aorta were imaged with tissue Doppler method in all the subjects and QTVI was performed. Stable curves were obtained from 173 hypertension patients and 185 healthy adults. The peak early diastolic veloc-ity (Ve), peak late diastolic velocity (Va) and peak systolic velocity (Vs) were measured. The relation of age with these measures was assessed. The results showed that the elasticity of the ascending aorta was much lower in the hypertension patients than in normal controls (P<0.05), and the elasticity was decreased with age in both groups (P<0.05). Our results suggested that QTVI, a new non-invasive ul-trasonic technique, is helpful for the assessment of the aortic elasticity in hypertension patients. The elasticity of the ascending aorta in healthy volunteers and hypertension patients were examined by using quantitative tissue velocity imaging (QTVI), and the age-related change in the as-cending aortic elasticity was investigated. The anterior and posterior walls of the ascending aorta were The peak early diastolic veloc-ity (Ve), peak late diastolic velocity (Va) and peak systolic velocity (Va) were measured in all subjects and QTVI The relation of age with these measures was assessed. The results of the elasticity of the ascending aorta was much lower in the hypertension patients than in normal controls (P <0.05), and the elasticity of decreased with age in both groups suggested that QTVI, a new non-invasive ul-trasonic technique, is helpful for the assessment of the aortic elasticity in hypertension patients.
芝麻酱是把芝麻文(慢)火炒熟榨油后剩下的油渣。这种油渣香味极浓,在水中穿透力很强。是钓鲤、鲫(特别是钓鲫)非常好的添加剂。使用方法如下: 一、诱饵 首先把芝麻酱滴入适
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冰钓的用具及方法与夏季钓鱼有许多不同之处。 第一是鱼竿。一般用3支就可以了。这种鱼竿,大部分人是用竹鞭梢自制而成。在竿的下部用金属丝做个线卡子固定在上边,将渔线绕
一、全球的通胀风险 几年来全球经济的持续增长已经带来了一些通胀的压力,尤其是在美国。从上世纪80年代开始通胀长期减低的趋势现在基本上已经终止了.OECD国家的CPI在1975年之后基本上达到一个高点,1975年之前有另外一个高点,除了1987年有少许波动以外,大的趋势基本上是一路下跌。但到2005已经不再是持平,而是回升上行(图1.2)。