一、范式概念的移植与哲学史研究范式之思考范式的概念是20世纪科学哲学史家库恩(Thomas Kuhn) 在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出的新概念。这一概念的原意是语法中表示词形变化的规则,如名词变格、动词人称变化等, 引申意义是指模式、模型、范例的意思。在该书中,库恩对科学发展的模式进行了概括,认为大抵上经历“前范式科学”——“常规科学”——“革命科学”——“新常规科学”这样的循环反复过程;而表征每一阶段科学的核心就是“范式”。这样
I. The Transfer of Paradigm Concept and the Paradigm of Thinking Paradigm The concept of Paradigm is a new concept put forward by Thomas Kuhn, the historian of philosophy of science in the 20th century, in his book The Structure of Science Revolution. The original intention of this concept is that the rules of the inflection in the grammar, such as the change of nouns, the change of verb, and so on. The extended meanings are the meanings of models, models and examples. In this book, Kuhn summarizes the patterns of scientific development and argues that it is probably the case that “past sciences”, “conventional sciences” - “revolutionary sciences” - “new conventional science ”This cycle of repetitive process; characterization of each stage of the core of science is “ paradigm ”. such