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我国的十几座边境开放城市,200多个边贸口岸,近300个边民互市区。构成了对周边国家全方位开放的新格局。近年来,以易货为主的边境贸易,由边民之间小商品互市起步的边贸,如今已发展到包括日常生活用品、轻纺制品及能源、原材料等商品交换的大生意。然而,单纯的易货贸易的局限性也愈来愈明显。同时,边贸的长足发展也对交易双方提出了更高的要求。如果说当初边贸的兴起是由于抓住了机遇,那么,现在应当顺应全球经济一体化和区域经济合作的大趋势,使之从单纯的易货贸易发展为与跨境投资、技术合作、劳务输出、过境旅游等相结合的“大边贸”。这是摆在中国及其周边国家面前的一次更大的机遇。 There are more than a dozen open border cities in China, more than 200 border trade ports, and nearly 300 borders and cities. It constitutes a new pattern that is open to all neighboring countries. In recent years, the frontier trade, which mainly consists of barter, and the border trade that started from the cross-border trade among small and medium-sized goods, have now grown to large businesses including daily necessities, light textile products, and energy and raw materials. However, the limitations of simple barter trade have become increasingly apparent. At the same time, the rapid development of border trade also puts forward higher requirements for both sides of the transaction. If we say that the initial rise of border trade was due to seizing the opportunity, then it should now conform to the general trend of global economic integration and regional economic cooperation, so that it can be transformed from simple barter trade to cross-border investment, technical cooperation, and labor export. Combining “big trade” with transit tourism. This is a greater opportunity for China and its neighboring countries.
英美人见面,不像中国人问对方吃了饭没有,而是经常谈天气。西方人不愿意谈论自己的私事,而天气则是与人人有关的,谈谈无妨,所以人人谈,天天谈。谈天气离不开谈“雨”,英语中有许多“雨”词和“雨”句。  说到下雨,英语中就有好几种意思都相同的“雨”句。例如:  我们这里雨水很多。  It’s often rainy here.  There’s a lot of rain here.  We have a
一、组建中国综合商社的意义和必要性 综合商社起源于日本,是一种大型贸易与产业、金融相结合,以贸易为主,兼具多种功能的企业组织形式。由于具有巨大的规模优势,在国际竞争
80年代有两句广告词让国人心里极不平衡,极为反感10年后这两句广告词叫得更响,而且象征性描述了洋货在大陆的占领特征 In the 1980s, there were two advertisement words t
Jehdi and Hassan were businessmen and good friends.One day they lost their way in a forest.They were tired so they sat down and Jehdi fell asleep. Jehdi and Ha
美住连锁超级商场是广东省东芜市糖烟酒公司于1990年底创办的。目前已发展连锁店26间,员工 404人,营业面积 6200平方米,经营国内外名优产品3000多种,1994年销售总额9422万元
I am a student of amiddle school. My schoolcampus is very big andbeautiful. There are many tall I am a student of amiddle school. My schoolcampus is very big a