
来源 :刑事法判解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paul5260
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在盗窃犯罪过程中,犯罪分子为抗拒抓捕而使用暴力的案件,在司法实践中常有发生。对于这种情况,我国刑法第269条作了专门规定,认为属于一种转化型抢劫、事后抢劫或准抢劫。在司法实践中,如何正确地认定事后抢劫,已经有很多学者出书著文加以讨论,但是国内学者对事后抢劫的犯罪形态的研究则比较少,也仅仅涉及事后抢劫的未遂形态。本文将从个案说起,通过对事后抢劫的法律定性、国内外比较、犯罪构成要件的解构与重组,试对事后抢劫的犯罪形态试做厘清。 In the course of theft crime, criminals use violence to resist the arrest, which often happens in judicial practice. In this situation, Article 269 of the Criminal Law of our country has made a special provision that it belongs to a transformational robbery, a subsequent robbery or a quasi-robbery. In judicial practice, how to correctly identify post-mortem robbery has been discussed by many scholars in publishing books. However, the domestic scholars have done little research on the criminal patterns of post-mortem robbery and only involved the attempted robbery. This article starts from a case study and tries to clarify the criminal patterns of post-robbery through the legal characterization of post-mortem robberies, the comparison between domestic and foreign countries, the deconstruction and reorganization of the elements of crime.
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