周至地区自引进泌阳模式栽培花菇以来 ,因当地气候、干湿度均与泌阳有明显差异 ,湿度大 ,风少 ,季节寒冷 ,花菇形成比较困难。笔者就基地花菇生产 ,催花关键进行探索 ,现总结如下。1 棚内规范 在建造菇棚时 ,将地面撒上 5cm左右厚的石灰 ,上铺塑料纸 ,再撒层干沙和石灰 ,以
Zhouzhi since the introduction of Biyang mode of cultivation of mushrooms since the local climate, dry and humidity are significantly different from the Biyang, humidity, less wind, the season is cold, mushroom formation more difficult. The author on the base mushroom production, urge the key to explore flowers, are summarized as follows. 1 shed specifications In the construction of mushroom shed, the ground sprinkled with lime about 5cm thick, top plastic paper, and then scattered layer of dry sand and lime to