20 0 1年度中国建筑工程鲁班奖 (国家优质工程 )颁奖大会于 2 0 0 2年 1月 2 9日在北京召开。建设部部长汪光焘 ,副部长刘志峰、郑一军和建设部、中国建筑业协会的领导出席了会议。现代盛世大厦、芜湖长江大桥等 80项工程获2 0 0 1年度中国建筑工程鲁班奖 ,大会向这些工程的承
The award ceremony of the Luban Prize of China Construction Engineering (National Construction Engineering Quality Program) in 2001 was held in Beijing on January 29, 2002. Wang Guangtao, minister of the Ministry of Construction, Liu Zhifeng, deputy minister and Zheng Yijun and leaders of the Ministry of Construction and China Construction Industry Association attended the meeting. 80 projects such as Modern Spirit Building and Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge won the Luban Prize of 2001 China Construction Engineering Project,