Study of WDM polymer planar curved waveguide couplers

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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A wavelength division multiplexer based on curved polymer planar waveguide is proposed. According to the coupled modetheory and the waveguide structure, the performance of the curved waveguide coupler (CWC) is analyzed. The results showthat CWC can accommodate wider multiplexing bandwidth than parallel straight waveguide coupler (SWC) due to thecompensation effect of the effective coupling length. The two variables, curvature radius and minimum spacing, increasethe design flexibility of the waveguide device. A 4-channel wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system based onCWC is designed. The deviation of the center wavelength, due to the errors of curvature radius and minimum spacingduring fabrication process, is investigated. The smaller the curvature radius and the minimum spacing are, the larger thecentral wavelength deviation caused by the error of the curvature radius and the minimum spacing is, which provides someuseful theoretical basis for the design and the fabrication of polymer waveguide devices. A wavelength division multiplexer based on curved waveguide planner waveguide (CWC) is proposed. The results show that the CWC can accommodate wider multiplexing bandwidth than parallel straight channel coupler The two variables, curvature radius and minimum spacing, increase the design flexibility of the waveguide device. A 4-channel wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system based on CWC is designed. The deviation of the center wavelength, due to the errors of radius radius and minimum spacingduring fabrication process, is investigated. The smaller the radius radius and the minimum spacing are, the larger the wavelength wavelength deviation caused by the error of the curvature radius and the minimum spacing is, which provides someuseful theoretical basis for the design and the fabrication of po lymer waveguide devices.
【内容摘要】高中新课程教学中,“问题驱动”教学能够充分发挥学生的主体作用和教师的主导作用。让学生在教师问题的中进入数学的新天地;在问题的解决中有指导地“再创造”数学;在反思中,多向交流问题,总结提炼,为下一阶段的学习埋下伏笔。  【关键词】问题驱动 教学 再创造 反思  一、“问题驱动”学生进入数学天地  数学家哈尔莫斯曾说过:“问题是数学的心脏。”著名科学方法论学者源普尔曾提出:“正是问题激发我
公益侠客的“傻捐”情怀  2012年10月,钢子捐助了山东一名2岁的农村先天性心脏病患儿,由此开始了他的网络慈善之路。如今,他在新浪微公益等网络慈善平台的爱心影响力、募款能力都高居榜首。截至2013年10月8日,单在新浪微公益平台,钢子就分享了478次公益微博,影响了206万人,他的传播和分享带动了5万人捐款,共募款1053万元。  一路走来,钢子经历了很多,有骗捐的,有直接找他要钱的,也有别有用
美国前总统克林顿因性丑闻接受大陪审团质询时,数次用手摸自己的鼻子。马上有心理学家致电大陪审团:克林顿在说谎。因为摸鼻子,是人在重要场合撒谎的主要行为特征。  时下,男人们在喊累的同时,把自己的真象藏得越来越深。本事大的玩深沉,本事小的常谨慎,没本事的爱胡抡。要想深入了解他们,还真有点难。  告诉你一个秘密,了解男人在睡前干什么,便能窥测到他的心灵轨迹,入睡前的短暂时刻,是他们全身心放松,并能真实展
憧憬的爱成为现实 1972年我出生于湖南省邵阳市一个叫洞口的小县城里。父母都是工人,家境虽不富裕,但也衣食无忧。如果不是我上高三那年家中发生了一系列的变故,我的少女时代应