《新闻与 写作》作为“全国新闻核 心期刊”、“全国中文优 秀期刊”日益受到广大 读者的关注和喜爱,近 日,正式被收入“中国知 识资源总库——中国社 会科学期刊精品数据 库”和“万方数据——中 国核心期刊(遴选)数据 库”。
Journalism and Writing as the “National News Core Periodical” and “National Chinese Excellent Periodical” have been receiving more and more readers’ attention and love more and more recently. Recently, it has been formally incorporated into the “China Knowledge Resources General Database - Chinese Social Science Periodical Quality Database” and the “ Wanfang data - China’s core journals (selection) database. ”