星移斗转,推动着春夏秋冬四季交替,推动着时间不断向前发展。在历史变化长河中,知识总在不断更新,科技总在不断进步,国家总在不断发展,社会总在不断前进。 回眸我国统计事业近20多年的发展历程,我们倍感欣喜。 健全了统计法制:1983年全国人大常委会通过《中华人民共和国统计法》,确立了统计工作的法律地位,明确了统计工作的前进方向,标志着中国统计工作开始迈进法制轨道。
Star transfer, promote the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter alternately, promote the time to move forward. In the long history of change, the knowledge is constantly updated, science and technology are constantly improving, the state is always developing, and society is always moving forward. Looking back on the development of China’s statistics business over the past 20 years, we are greatly pleased. The Statistical Law was Perfected: In 1983, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed the Statistical Law of the People’s Republic of China, established the legal status of statistical work and clarified the direction for statistical work, marking the beginning of China’s statistical work on the track of law.