长期以来 ,外语教学研究重点是对语言本身、教材、教法等方面的研究。现在越来越多的研究则侧重对学习者的主体 ,即学习者自身的研究。学习者自身所具备的某些特征如年龄、性别、天赋、兴趣、性格、目的、动机等因素 ,是否也会影响外语学习呢 ?本文通过对一个班的学习者为调查对象 ,调查了学习者对英语课程的感觉、学习的目的以及在学习过程中表现出的各种焦虑感。根据调查结果 ,分析、解释、说明这几种情感因素对外语学习者的影响
For a long time, foreign language teaching and research focus on the language itself, teaching materials, teaching methods and other aspects of research. Now more and more research focuses on the learner’s subject, that is, the learner’s own research. Some characteristics such as age, gender, talent, interest, character, purpose, motivation and other factors that a learner possesses also affect foreign language learning? This paper investigates the learners of a class by investigating the learners The feeling of the English course, the purpose of the study and the various anxieties shown in the learning process. According to the survey results, analyze, explain and explain the influence of these kinds of emotional factors on foreign language learners