抓好队伍建设 推动通联工作

来源 :中国农村信用合作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidzn
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我省农村信用社通联工作起步晚,近两年来,我们认真抓好通联队伍建设,推动通联工作的开展,取得了一定的成绩。 为加强对通联工作的领导,分行成立了以副处长为组长的通联组,各地也相应成立了由信合科长或联社主任、信合股长任组长的通联组。各级通联组加强工作联系,经常沟通信息,相互了解通联工作开展情况。分行与各中支联系每月不少于一次,各中支与县联社联系每月不少于两次。1992年分行以黔农银信(1992)第5号文,就发展通讯员、建立通联网络作了具体的安排部署。各地的通讯员队伍迅速发展起来,出现了积极争当通讯员的喜人局面。到目前为止,全省已发展175名通讯员,为开展通联工作打下了基础。 In the past two years, we have done a good job in building the contingent of the contingent and promoted the work of the allied government. We have achieved some success. In order to strengthen the leadership over the work of the Federation, the branch has set up a communications group headed by the Deputy Commissioner. Corresponding sections have also been set up, headed by the section chief of the letter department or the head of the association, and the head of the cooperation department. Communication groups at all levels to strengthen their working contacts, regular communication, mutual understanding of the situation of the work of the Federation. The branches and all the branches should contact each other not less than once a month, and all the branches should contact the county association no less than twice a month. In 1992, the branch made a specific arrangements for the development of correspondents and establishment of the communications network with No. 5 of Qiannongyinxin (1992). The rapid development of correspondent teams around the country brought about a gratifying situation in actively competing for correspondents. So far, 175 correspondents in the province have been established, laying the foundation for the work of the alliance.
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