【摘 要】
To date,we know little about the genetic diversity and development mechanisms that,through the process of domestication,have made the mode dog emerge.Following
【机 构】
University of Rennes, France
To date,we know little about the genetic diversity and development mechanisms that,through the process of domestication,have made the mode dog emerge.Following the processes of domestication and a phase of intense artificial selection,dogs became our auxiliaries for hunting,guarding and finally our best friends.The range of phenotypic diversity in dogs today greatly exceeds that of its ancestors,the wolves,making dogs the most morphologically diverse species of terrestrial mammals [1].To advance these domestication research questions,studies are now focusing on differences in the content,organization and structure of the genome,called structural variations (SV),as a major source of genetic and phenotypic diversity.In addition,SVs have also emerged to provide an important substrate for evolutionary innovations.SVs have marked genomic effects,altering gene expression,affecting gene dosing,losing regulatory elements,unmasking regulatory polymorphisms and affecting the evolution of new genes.
The young I was also intoxicated with the dreamy
儿子今年23岁了。他上小学二年级时,老师让他们班学生写过一篇作文,题为《我想成为这样的父亲》。这些作文被结集成册,送到了家长们手中。一篇篇文章幼稚可爱,多数孩子都以自己的父亲为榜样,描绘出了心目中理想父亲的形象。可翻到我儿子那页时,我惊呆了。妹尾太郎写道:“我想做一个平常的父亲。”仅此一行。 纸上的空白仿佛是对我无声的控诉,让我十分狼狈。不由想起太郎的姐姐,她长大后也说过一句让我震惊的话:“被幼
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