高中历史教学中,如何使学生真正对历史学习感兴趣?那种以情节的生动描绘、教学结构的严谨、论证的实据充足、感情的丰富充沛为特色的教学固然能激发学生的学习兴趣。但就高中阶段历史教学的教材特点和学生要求而言,犹觉不足。 目前的高中历史教材特点,以笔者之粗见,大致有三:1.内部结构严谨,各知识点组合成整体结构,2.理论性强,蕴涵大量历史唯物主义的观点;3.现解性内容多,结论的由来隐含其中。 对于高中学生,通过教学中的接触观察,笔者以为:1.认知能力已处于较高的以文字符号为主的阶段,思维力增强,已不满足于了解简单的历史情景;2.人生经历大大复杂于初中阶段,对社会对人生已有自己的一定见解,不满足于接受一个现成的
In high school history teaching, how to make students really interested in history learning? The kind of teaching that features vivid plots, rigorous teaching structure, sufficient evidence for arguments, and abundant emotions can inspire students’ interest in learning. However, judging from the characteristics of the teaching materials of the history teaching in high school and the requirements of the students, they are not enough. The current characteristics of senior high school history textbooks are roughly three in terms of the author’s crudeness: 1. The internal structure is rigorous, and the knowledge points are combined into an overall structure. 2. Theories are strong and contain a large number of historical materialism views. Many, the origin of the conclusions implied. For high school students, through contact observation in teaching, the author thinks that: 1. The cognitive ability has been at a higher stage with the symbolic sign, and the thinking power has been enhanced. It is no longer satisfied with understanding the simple historical scene; 2. Life experience Complicated in the junior high school stage, it has a certain opinion of society and life, and is not satisfied with accepting a ready-made one.